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Top-Rated Local Choice For Residential Roofing. Reach Out Today For A Free Estimate.
Paying for placing a sign in an insured’s yard is in fact considered a rebate since the insured receive a betterment from their loss. When you submit an invoice to the insurance company to recover the depreciation do you show that you paid the insured? Do you show that you collected the FULL & required dollar figure? If not, & you stated that you collected hundreds or even thousands less than the correct deductible, the insurance company would reduce the recoverable depreciation by the amount you discounted the deductible.
I’m seeing language on claim summaries now that address this issue informing insured’s that it’s illegal for them to not pay their fully required deductible.
Insurance claim for a roof is estimated by insurance @ $ 10,000.00.
Insured (homeowner) has a deductible for $ 1,500.00.
This means the insurance company’s portion of “buying the roof” is $ 8,500.00.
However, along comes “Roofer X” who only charges the homeowner / insured $ 500.00 & *not* the full amount.
Roofer X then faxes off an invoice to the insurance co. stating that they collected $ 1,500.00 from the homeowner / insured.
Roofer X is telling the insurance co. they should send out the balance of the claim (the rest of the amount due) & the insurance co. now thinks they have satisfied their part.
If, on the other hand, Roofer X were to send in an invoice with the dollar figure of $ 500.00 paid by homeowner / insured & NOT $ 1,500.00, then the insurance co. would then back off their final check by the amount that Roofer X did NOT collect.
Homeowner / insured is happy, however, because they just paid less than they were supposed to (“hey, it’s OK; everyone does it, right?).
Fact: The very moment Roofer X sends off a false invoice showing a higher dollar amount collected from homeowner / insured, then Roofer X has committed fraud.
Fact: If Roofer X provides an invoice (or receipt) to the homeowner / insured & they (not the roofer) then forward this off to insurance, both parties have now committed insurance fraud, however the homeowner has also committed wire fraud AND they are also committing collusion (conspiring to perform an illegal act). …How nice; Roofer X has just dragged the homeowner down right along with them.
It’s really quite simple:
Find a roofing contractor that has good references & one that you think will provide you with the highest level of service / do the best quality job. Pay your full & legally required deductible.
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